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Tom Trones
May 22, 2024
Earplugs vs. Thundering Bass: Are Your Ears Truly Protected in Loud Clubs?
When you head out to your favorite club, the thumping bass that shakes the dance floor is part of the experience. But it’s also worth...

Tom Trones
Oct 13, 2022
Mixing live sound and hearing protection. Will it blend?
Throughout the 2000’s I was working as a sound engineer, mixing bands in small to medium size venues and I often felt pressure to play at...

Tom Trones
Nov 20, 2020
Custom Molded Earplugs - The Myths and Truths
At the turn of the century, I was in a band with 3 young hopeful metal heads rocking up a storm in my friend’s tiny basement. It was...

Jakob Brusdal
Jun 9, 2020
Ozzy Osbourne’s Tinnitus: A Vital Warning to Music Lovers
Music lovers can learn a thing or two from Ozzy!

Tom Trones
Apr 21, 2020
Are you particularly bothered by loud sounds?
Do you find the cinema intolerably loud? Stick fingers in your ears when a train screeches to a stop? Enraged when a toddler hammers the...

Tom Trones
Mar 23, 2020
An appeal to musicians and music lovers
The world has gone quiet. Amid the global COVID-19 pandemic, hearing protection isn’t top of mind. Understandable. Due to the...

Tom Trones
Feb 12, 2020
Is this hearing protection???
There is a common conception that noise-cancelling headphones protect you from dangerous noise. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case...

Tom Trones
Nov 6, 2019
Ringing ears after a night out? You have damaged your hearing!
Anyone who has gone to a concert or nightclub has probably experienced a ringing sound in the ears. This usually goes away after a couple...
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